Abebaw Abiyu Mengist

1. Full name: Abebaw Abiyu Mengist                                    
Academic Rank: Assistance Prof., MSc in Irrigation Engineering
Address: – Mobile:  +251(0)913999936,  email: abebawabiyu@gmail.com
Educational Background
  • Short Course Training on “GIS and Remote Sensing Applications for the Water” held at UNESCO-IHE, Delft, the Netherlands in 2016.
  • MSc degree in Irrigation Engineering from Haramaya University, Ethiopia on July 07, 2013. 
  • BSc degree in Agricultural Engineering and Mechanization from Hawassa University, Ethiopia on July 10, 2008.

Work Experience

  •  From 2008-2017 assistance lecturer and lecturer in MSc academic position at Wolaita Sodo University
  • In 2017lecturer in assistant professor academic position at Wolaita Sodo university
  • From 2019-2021researcher and coordinator, Guna Tana Integrated Field Research and Development (GTIFRD) center in assistant professor academic position at Debre Tabor university,
  • From 2021up to now working as a researcher and lecturer in assistant professor academic position at Injibara university, College of Agriculture, Food and Climate Science. 

Certified Training

  • Training on “water and land resources information systems and watershed management tool” given by Water and Land Resource Center, Ethiopia.
  • Certificate of research presentation entitled on “Evaluation of stage-wise deficit furrow irrigation application on maize production at Koga irrigation scheme, Blue Nile Basin” coordinated by Debre Markos University held on June 8 & 9, 2013.
  • Training on “Higher Diploma License as a certified professional teacher educator” given by Wolaita Sodo University on July 2015.

Project experience

  • Integrated Eco-hydrology project for sustainable environment and lives of the society in the Gumara catchment, upper Blue Nile Basin, funded by the former Ministry of WIE, Ethiopia as project co-researcher
  • Alternative livelihood option to improve livelihoods of local community for sustainable protection and management of Guna mountain community-based conservation area, funded by Debre Tabor University as project co-researcher
  • Baseline Survey for Flood Mitigation and Community Resilience (FMCR Phase II) Project in Flood Prone Kebeles of Libokemkem Woreda, South Gondar Zone, a Baseline Survey by Debre Tabor University in collaboration with World Vision Ethiopia, Libokemkem Area Development Program as project PI


  • Evaluation of Stage-Wise Deficit Furrow Irrigation Application on Water Advance – Recession Time and Maize Yield Components at Koga Irrigation Scheme, Ethiopia (ISSN: 2153-649X, doi:10.5251/ajsir.2014.
  • Determinants of Small-Scale Irrigation Utilization by Smallholder Farmers’ in Rift Valley Basin, Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia. Journal of Natural Sciences Research, www.iiste.org; ISSN 2224-3186 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0921 (Online), Vol.5, No.21, 2015.
  • Assessment of Stage-Wise Deficit Furrow Irrigation Application on Maize Production at Koga Irrigation Scheme, Blue Nile River Basin, Ethiopia. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, www.iiste.org; ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online), Vol.6, No.21, 2015
  • Challenges and Opportunities of Small-Scale Irrigation Utilization in Rift Valley Basin, Humbo Woreda, Ethiopia. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online) Vol.7, No.1, 2016.

Research Interest

  • Water resources development
  • Climate change and its effect on water issues
  • Watershed development and  its role on development of water related challenges 

Professional licenses 

  • ‘‘Water Resources Professionals Certificate’’ የሙያ ፈቃድ ቁጥር PIE/643፣ በውሃና ኢነርጂ ሚኒስትር፣ አዲስ አበባ የተሰጠ.
  • ‘‘Certificate for Construction Professionals’’ የሙያ ፈቃድ ቁጥር PIE/33089,  በከተማ ቤቶች ልማት ኢንተርፕራይዝ ቢሮ፣ አዲስ አበባ  የተሰጠ.