Kelelaw Kebede Haile

Full Name Kelelaw Kebede Haile
Academic Rank Lecturer
  Education Background
  • MSc in Plant Pathology from Ambo University (October 2017 to July 2018)
  • BSc in Plant Science from Jimma University (October 2014 to June 2016)
Working Experience
  • Lecturer, Injibara University (September 2019 up to Now)
  • Lecturer at Oda Bultum University ( August 2018 to July 2019)
Research Interest
  • Newly Emerged Plant Disease
  • Plant Quarantine
  • Biological Plant Disease Management
  • Integrated Disease Management and
  • other Plant Health inspection aspects
Address College of Agriculture, Food and Climate Science, Injibara University
Phone: +251919318141